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Odddfellows Carlton

Mitch and Caroline would love to welcome you to the Odddfellows but since we can't do that, why not order for delivery or takeaway?

As of MONDAY 18th MAY we will be having some time off from the kitchen and won't be offering as many meals. This is partly due to wanting a little bit of family time but also so we can make a start on revamping the pub and in particular the kitchen.
Contact Information
Odddfellows Carlton
High Street, Carlton

01405 861 667

Opening Hours
12-2, 5-7
Delivery Policy
Collection or Delivery
Delivery within 5 miles, free of charge

Payment Policy
Paypal, Bank Transfer or Cash - details will be displayed after you order

Allergen Information
Due to the nature of our kitchen we cannot guarantee our products to be free from allergens.
Order Form
Select the quantity of each dish that you wish to order

Your Details
Your Name
Your Address
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address
Special Requests/Info
Do You Have Any Allergies?
Collect or Deliver (if available)
I consent to give Odddfellows Carlton the information contained above so that my order can be processed. (Please tick box)
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